Panzer Dragoon Orta Demonstrated Running on Xbox Series X
By Solo Wing |
Thanks to Kevin Kenson, we're given a look at Panzer Dragoon Orta running on the Xbox Series X via backward compatibility, featuring auto-HDR, improved texture filtering, and quick resume.
Introducing the News Section and Panzer Dragoon Interviews Page
By Solo Wing |
The website has been updated with a dedicated news archives section and a page has been added containing links to interviews with the creators of the Panzer Dragoon series.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Steam Version Quick Fix is Now Live
By Admiral Craymen |
A quick fix for Panzer Dragoon: Remake on Steam was released today, adding two options that players asked for, v-sync and chromatic aberration toggles.
Saori Kobayashi Panzer Dragoon 25th Anniversary Musical Interludes to Appear on Archipel Caravan
By Solo Wing |
Archipel, who make documentaries about Japan's creative minds and culture, will be posting a video of Saori Kobayashi's Panzer Dragoon 25th Anniversary musical interludes in an upcoming weekly episode.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake is Now Available on PlayStation 4
By Solo Wing |
You can now download Panzer Dragoon: Remake from the PlayStation Store, featuring similar enhancements to the PC version and enhanced game play on PlayStation 4 Pro.
Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record Tokyo Game Show Teaser
By Solo Wing |
Wildman has released a new 31 second teaser showcasing Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record, with a new full-length video expected to be released before the crowdfunding campaign begins later this year.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Launches September 28 on PS4
By Draikin |
After the launch of the Steam and GOG version of the game yesterday, it's now been confirmed by the game's official Twitter account that the PS4 version of Panzer Dragoon: Remake will launch on September 28!
Panzer Dragoon: Remake is Now Available on Windows PC
By Solo Wing |
Today marks the release of Panzer Dragoon: Remake on PC, available on the Steam and digital stores and launching with a 10% discount.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Confirmed For Amazon Luna, a New Cloud Gaming Platform
By Solo Wing |
At their recent hardware event, Amazon announced a new cloud gaming platform called Amazon Luna, and Panzer Dragoon: Remake is confirmed to be a launch title.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake PlayStation Trophies and PC Achievements Confirmed
By Solo Wing |
Forever Entertainment have confirmed the PlayStation 4 trophy list for Panzer Dragoon: Remake! These trophies will also be the achievements in the PC version of the game.
The GOG Version of Panzer Dragoon: Remake Will Include Achievements
By Solo Wing |
Forever Entertainment have confirmed that the version of Panzer Dragoon: Remake will include support for achievements, like the Steam version.
How to Play Panzer Dragoon Orta on Xbox in Late 2020
By Solo Wing |
Panzer Dragoon Orta is leaving Xbox Game Pass on September 30, but there are a number of other ways that you can play the fourth episode of the Panzer Dragoon series on Xbox consoles.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Will Premiere on Both Steam and GOG on 25 September
By Solo Wing |
Monika Ginter, community manager for Forever Entertainment, has confirmed that Panzer Dragoon: Remake will arrive on both Steam and on September 25.
The PC Release of Panzer Dragoon: Remake is Planned For 26 September
By Solo Wing |
The Steam listing for Panzer Dragoon: Remake has been updated with a planned release date of 26 September along with system requirements and other game information!
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Arriving Soon on Steam, GOG and PS4, Later on Xbox One
By Draikin |
Panzer Dragoon: Remake will soon be available on Steam, GOG, and PlayStation 4! Forever Entertainment also announced that an Xbox One version is planned and will be released a little later.
The Panzer Dragoon: Remake Physical Cartridge is Expected to Ship in Eight Weeks
By Solo Wing |
According to a new email from Limited Run Games, the physical cartridge for Panzer Dragoon: Remake is expected to ship in about eight weeks.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake is Coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X
By Solo Wing |
In a recent investor chat with Zbigniew Dębicki we learn that Panzer Dragoon: Remake PC is expected to happen this year, the game is confirmed for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, and Panzer Dragoon II Zwei: Remake goes according to plan.
The Status of the Limited Run Games Panzer Dragoon: Remake Release
By Solo Wing |
Douglas Bogart and Josh Fairhurst from Limited Run Games have provided some updates on the status of the physical editions of Panzer Dragoon: Remake.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Version 1.4 is in Testing
By Solo Wing |
Forever Entertainment have confirmed that version 1.4 of Panzer Dragoon: Remake is currently in testing, featuring bug fixes and "something more".
The Physical Editions of Panzer Dragoon: Remake Are Expected to Arrive in Q3 2020
By Solo Wing |
The two physical versions of Panzer Dragoon: Remake have yet to arrive, but Limited Run Games expects these to arrive this quarter.
RetroAchievements Now Has Unofficial Achievements For Panzer Dragoon Saga
By Televandalist |
Televandalist has created achievements for Panzer Dragoon Saga that you can unlock when playing the game on a Saturn emulator!
Panzer Dragoon: Remake v1.3 is Now Available in Japan
By Solo Wing |
After a long delay, the v1.3 patch for Panzer Dragoon: Remake is now available in Japan on Nintendo Switch.
First Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record Trailer Revealed at Upload VR Showcase
By Solo Wing |
The first Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record teaser was revealed at the Upload VR Showcase, featuring art by Koichiro Tamura, platforms announced, new art with dragons/environments, and a confirmation that crowdfunding will take place in 2020!
Welcoming Admiral Craymen to the Panzer Dragoon Legacy Team
By Solo Wing |
Long time Panzer Dragoon fan Admiral Craymen joins us in maintaining the Panzer Dragoon Legacy digital archive and social media channels.
Panzer Dragoon Legacy's Second Interview With Forever Entertainment
By Solo Wing |
We came up with sixteen questions for Forever Entertainment about Panzer Dragoon: Remake and you'll find the answers here in our latest interview with Monika Ginter and Kamila Dębicka from the PR Team!