The Good Life, a New RPG From Yukio Futatsugi, Has Been Released
By Solo Wing |
White Owls' The Good Life releases, with development from Panzer Dragoon creator Yukio Futatsugi's company Grounding Inc.
Forever Limited's Panzer Dragoon: Remake Sets Are Now Shipping
By Solo Wing |
A number of fans have reported receiving their Forever Limited Panzer Dragoon: Remake sets or have received an email notification informing them that the sets have been sent from Poland.
Limited Run Games Panzer Dragoon: Remake Fan Bundle Shipping to the US Soon
By Solo Wing |
Several fans in the US have received an email from Limited Run Games informing them that the Panzer Dragoon Fan Bundle (including the PlayStation 4 version of Panzer Dragoon: Remake and the vinyl/CD of the soundtrack) will be shipping soon.
Skiad Ops Retro and Multibrawlr Join the Panzer Dragoon Legacy Team
By Solo Wing |
We're happy to announce the addition of two new site admins, Skiad Ops Retro and Multibrawlr, who have joined the Panzer Dragoon Legacy team to help improve the website.
An Update on the Panzer Dragoon: Remake Soundtrack and Forever Limited Sets
By Solo Wing |
The Panzer Dragoon: Remake soundtrack CD/vinyl orders are now shipping, while the Forever Limited sets are expected to be posted out to us next month.
SEGA's Financial Presentation Discusses Reviving Old Franchises, Mentions Panzer Dragoon as an Example
By Solo Wing |
The SEGASammy presentation for FY2021 talks about the company's strategy, which includes utilisation of dormant IP assets by remastering, remaking, and rebooting them, and we look at what this might mean for the Panzer Dragoon series.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Cartridges "Ready to Take a Flight from Japan"
By Solo Wing |
Forever Limited have posted a short update informing us that the Panzer Dragoon: Remake cartridges are about to be sent from Japan and the boxes will soon be assembled for shipping.
Wildman Confirms That There Is No Arranged Soundtrack Planned For Voyage Record
By Solo Wing |
In a reply to a Twitter comment to the official Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record account, Wildman has confirmed that there are no arrangements or new background music planned for the game "at this time".
Saori Kobayashi Blogs About Her Remote Recording Sessions and Music Workshops
By Solo Wing |
A new blog post from Saori Kobayashi discusses her remote recording sessions and music workshops, which include a piano arrangement of a battle song from the Panzer series that is not currently available anywhere!
Panzer Dragoon Wiki Joins the Panzer Dragoon Legacy Organisation
By Solo Wing |
As Panzer Dragoon Wiki becomes a part of the Panzer Dragoon Legacy organisation, we're rolling out new branding and content so that the wiki can become the definitive place to learn about the lore of the Panzer Dragoon world.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Launches on PS4 in Japan As We Celebrate the Game's 1st Anniversary
By Solo Wing |
Today marks both the launch of Panzer Dragoon: Remake on PlayStation 4 in Japan and the 1st anniversary of the game's initial release on Nintendo Switch!
Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record Releases Updated Logo Along With Models
By Solo Wing |
On the 25th anniversary of Panzer Dragoon II Zwei, the official Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record Twitter has released a couple of new pictures, demonstrating an updated logo for the game and models of the Blue Dragon/Guardian Dragon/Shelcoof.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake The Definitive Soundtrack Digital Release Roundup
By Solo Wing |
Since the initial release on Bandcamp, the digital edition of Panzer Dragoon: Remake The Definitive Soundtrack has made its way to Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music.
Why is Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record a VR Only Game? Wildman Explains
By Solo Wing |
In a recent series of tweets, Wildman (posting via the PanzerDragoonVR Twitter) explains why VR was chosen as Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record's platform, plus some thoughts from Solo Wing on the topic.
Wildman Has "No Plans Whatsoever" to Develop Non-VR Version of Panzer Dragoon
By Solo Wing |
Wildman has confirmed that there are no plans to develop a non-VR version of Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record and urges fans to support the project if they want to see the return of Panzer Dragoon Saga.
GO SEGA 60th Anniversary Album Announced, Featuring Panzer Dragoon Track
By Solo Wing |
A new album celebrating the 60th anniversary of SEGA will be released on 24 March, featuring music from Panzer Dragoon's first episode.
Forever Entertainment Plans to Release Panzer Dragoon II Zwei: Remake in 2021
By Solo Wing |
A comment from the official Panzer Dragoon: Remake Twitter account confirms that Forever Entertainment are planning to release Panzer Dragoon II Zwei: Remake this year!
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Soundtrack Also Available to Pre-Order From Vinyl Guru
By Solo Wing |
Vinyl Guru, an independent record shop in the UK city of Newcastle upon Tyne, is collecting pre-orders for Panzer Dragoon: Remake The Definitive Soundtrack, listing the release date as Q2 2021.
Forever Entertainment Expects to Release At Least Four Remakes in 2021
By Solo Wing |
Forever Entertainment plans to release at least four remake titles in 2021 and hints at Panzer Dragoon II Zwei: Remake being among them.
Introducing Panzer Dragoon Wiki, the New Community Run Panzer Dragoon Encyclopaedia
By Solo Wing |
Panzer Dragoon Wiki replaces Panzer Dragoon Legacy's encyclopaedia as the community knowledge-base. Explore over 250 pages of lore and product information in a Panzer Dragoon wiki that anyone can edit!
Panzer Dragoon: Remake The Definitive Soundtrack is Now Available Digitally
By Solo Wing |
Panzer Dragoon: Remake The Definitive Soundtrack has been released and can be streamed in it's entirety via the web, Bandcamp app, plus downloaded in a number of high quality digital formats!
The Panzer Dragoon: Remake Soundtrack is Almost Here, Streaming Versions Confirmed
By Solo Wing |
The preorder for Panzer Dragoon: Remake The Definitive Soundtrack by Brave Wave on Bandcamp will unlock on January 29 (tomorrow), with streaming versions confirmed to be coming to Spotify, Apple Music, and other services in early February.
Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record Crowdfunding Is Delayed Until 2021
By Solo Wing |
On their Twitter account, the Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record team have announced that crowdfunding and the next game video will be delayed until 2021, plus they've released a new unblurred model of the Guardian Dragon.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake v1.4 is the Physical Version of v1.3
By Solo Wing |
Forever Entertainment have confirmed that Panzer Dragoon: Remake version 1.4, which comes on the Limited Run Games cartridge, is the same as the previously released v1.3 patch.
Brave Wave Confirms Digital Release of Panzer Dragoon: Remake The Definitive Soundtrack
By Solo Wing |
Panzer Dragoon: Remake The Definitive Soundtrack will be available digitally from Brave Wave on January 29, 2021, with the CD/vinyl scheduled to ship from BigWax and Limited Run Games in Spring 2021.