A New Review, Theory, and a Confirmation

By Solo Wing |

There is a new review of the original Panzer Dragoon game, written by Neil in the Reviews section, which is written from a modern day perspective. Also, Geoffrey has written a theory suggesting that the golden dragon we see in Sestren’s memory...

Three New Pictures for the Fan Art Section

By Solo Wing |

Two pictures from He Who Is The Sky have been added to this website. The first one is of Lagi in the same form that attacked the Imperial Capital, the Solo Wing Normal Class. The second is of a made up form of dragon, the Eo Wing (which means Dawn...

Drones... the Soulless Tools of the Ancients?

By Solo Wing |

With so much evidence leading towards the rider at the start of Panzer Dragoon 1 being human I felt it was time to express another theory of mine. This theory talks about the possibility of the Sky Rider being a drone. It Contains Orta Spoilers,...

Art is the Music of the Eyes

By Solo Wing |

There’s not one, not two, but six new drawings in the Fan Art section with this update! The first three that I’ve added were done by He Who Is The Sky and are of the Dark Dragon, Sky Dart, and Dragon Pup. Neil has also drawn pictures of his fanfic...

Three New Pictures Added to the Fan Art Section

By Solo Wing |

There has been some nice new pieces of art added to this site. First of all is a CG picture of Orta and her dragon. It shows the two of them flying over the water towards a sunset background. Thanks to Colin for making it. The picture can be...

The Will of the Ancients Moved to Decent Webspace

By Solo Wing |

The Will of the Ancients has always been a free Geocities site, consisting of ads and limited bandwidth. However the site has grown past the 15 Megs that were given to me for free, and as a result I had to remove the screenshots of Panzer Dragoon...

Addition Sometimes Requires Subtraction

By Solo Wing |

There was a broken link to the Lucich I drew. I’ve fixed it, so you can actually view it now. Also I’ve added a picture of Edge and the Arm Wing with was drawn by Atolm Rider. Both of these can be found in the Fan Art section. Sadly, to free up...

Fanfic Update and Lyrics for "Anu Orta Veniya" Added

By Solo Wing |

Neil has completed the latest chapter of his fanfic, Panzer Dragoon X. The story is set in an alternative universe and is told in the form of diary entries. You can read the latest chapter by clicking here. To the Dialogue section an addition...

The First Update of the Year

By Solo Wing |

Well another year has gone, and another year has come. This site has grown considerably in the last year and I hope to expand it quite a bit with new content in the months to follow. 2003 will mark the return of Panzer Dragoon for most English...

Panzer Dragoon Orta OST Tracklist Added

By Solo Wing |

I have yet to hear the entire new album, but the tracklist has been added to The Will of the Ancients as well as the catalog number. This should make it slightly easier to find out how to get the CD and is a good resource if you are trying to work...

Today the Dragon Will Return to the Skies

By Solo Wing |

I haven’t heard any details on the launch of Panzer Dragoon Orta yet but it was planned to be released in Japan on the 19th of December… which is today in most countries. It’s been a while since Panzer Dragoon Saga came out in 1998, but the long...

Temporary "Excavation Camp 911" Forum Online

By Solo Wing |

If you’re a regular at the forum on Die Welt von Panzer Dragoon then you probably already know that the site has been down for several days now. Since the site may be down for a while, there is a temporary hosted forum which you can visit called...

New Panzer Dragoon Orta Character Details Revealed

By Solo Wing |

The Official Panzer Dragoon Orta website has been updated with a new design and some nice concept art. There is also some information about Orta and the Empire. From the rough Babel Fish translation it seems Orta is only 13 years old and for an...

New Fan Fiction and Fan Art

By Solo Wing |

In the Fan Art section you’ll find a new picture of the dragon’s final form and my online character, the Solo Wing dragon. You can view the drawing by clicking here. Thanks to Atolm Rider for letting me put it on The Will of the Ancients. Also...

A Drone's Dream Chapter and Orta Features Revealed

By Solo Wing |

The third chapter of Geoffrey’s piece of fan fiction, A Drone’s Dream is now online. Being a fan of drones myself, I am finding this an interesting read and I would recommend any Saga fan to check it out. The first two chapters have also been...

The Secrets of the Ancients Have Been Recorded

By Solo Wing |

The Ancient Age has always been shouded in mystery, however there is a small amount of knowledge which can be picked up in the games, especially in Panzer Dragoon Saga. Geoffrey has compiled the logs left behind by the people who worked on the...

The Fan Fiction Section Reaches a Total of Eight

By Solo Wing |

Over the past six months there has been a number of new fanfics on this site and this latest one especially has me eager to read the third chapter (which I am told by the author is nearly ready). The story is called A Drone’s Dream and is about...

What We Already Knew and a Little Bit More

By Solo Wing |

Sega of Japan has released some information on features that will be available in Panzer Dragoon Orta. Most of this we already know, such as the original Panzer Dragoon being included in the package, but there is also some new information. The...

A New Panzer Dragoon IRC Channel is Online

By Solo Wing |

There has been Panzer Dragoon chat rooms before, but they have never lasted. However that should change now that an IRC channel has been set up for the online Panzer Dragoon community at Die Welt von Panzer Dragoon. The popularity of the website’s...

Panzer Dragoon Zwei on PC

By Solo Wing |

Sega and Kansai Multimedia plan to give users of the Broadband Club and CyberDisc service access to download emulated versions of the Saturn games Golden Axe: The Duel and Panzer Dragoon Zwei! Sega hasn’t commented on pricing or whether the games...

A Triple Update for The Will of the Ancients

By Solo Wing |

You may have noticed a lack of updates recently and that is because I have been busy with several things that are surprisingly not related to Panzer Dragoon! Over the last month I’ve been sent several new additions to the site, which I have just...

New Appendix Mode in Panzer Dragoon Orta

By Solo Wing |

Like the title says, a new option has been revealed for Panzer Dragoon Orta as part of Pandra’s Box. The Appendix option will have all sorts of images and information on the Saturn Panzer Dragoons, so those who enjoyed the past games have...

Orta Flavoured Xbox... But There's Only 999 of Them!

By Solo Wing |

For nine hundred and ninety nine Japanese residents, a limited edition Panzer Dragoon Orta Xbox package will be a reality. The package includes a white Xbox console, seen in this picture (thanks Game Watch for the jpeg), a copy of Panzer Dragoon...

New Archives Section Added

By Solo Wing |

A small update to say I’ve changed how the news on this site will work slightly. Basically when the main page gets more than ten news stories on it I will put them onto another page that can be viewed by clicking on a link at the bottom the...

A Mention in the Official Xbox Magazine!

By Solo Wing |

Although I’ve never intended this site to be more than a hobby and personal tribute to the Panzer Dragoon series, it’s great news that I’ve just been given a bit of extra coverage. The Will of the Ancients was mentioned in the November issue of...