The third chapter of Geoffrey’s piece of fan fiction, A Drone’s Dream is now online. Being a fan of drones myself, I am finding this an interesting read and I would recommend any Saga fan to check it out. The first two chapters have also been edited in a few subtle ways, such as extra descriptions here and there. All three chapters can be found in the Fan Fiction section.
If you go to sega.jp/x/pdo you will see that there are two new modes mentioned for Panzer Dragoon Orta. The first is ‘Scenarios’ and the second one ‘Mission’. What I find exciting is the picture to the right that shows a Baldor on the screen, but no dragon. Could this be mean that Morbo is a playable character? I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough but until then it is certainly something to look forward to. Who would have thought when first playing Panzer Dragoon Saga back in 1998 that one day we would actually be able to play as one of those fearsome beasts?