Well another year has gone, and another year has come. This site has grown considerably in the last year and I hope to expand it quite a bit with new content in the months to follow. 2003 will mark the return of Panzer Dragoon for most English speaking fans, unless you have already played the Japanese version, which has English subtitles on a modded PAL or NTSC-U Xbox.
My copy of Panzer Dragoon Orta arrived in the post today, but annoyingly the mod chip I ordered before the game has not turned up yet so I’ll have to be satisfied listening to the four track CD, “Die Panzer Dragoons Chronik”, that came with it in the meantime. I remember someone on the Excavation Camp forum quoting something like “Panzer Dragoon is not a hobby for the impatient.” That is indeed very true.
I have also updated the Fan Art section with a Lucich that I have drawn. You can see it for yourself by clicking here.