Speculation and Art
By Solo Wing |
I haven’t compiled any theories for Panzer Dragoon in quite a few months now, so I decided to write up a theory that I came up with at the old Excavation Camp (R.I.P) forums. This theory talks about the ancient texts of Zoah …what if there was a...
The Sky Rider: Reloaded
By Geoffrey |
Just a minor update. I’ve written another theory revolving around Panzer Dragoon Saga’s Excavation Site and its possible sources of intrigue for the Heresy dragon. Plus, I’ve rewritten and reorganized much of my old, defunct Sky Rider Theory to...
The Will of the Ancients IRC Channel
By Solo Wing |
For the members of the Will of the Ancients forums (although anyone is welcome to join), I have created an IRC channel to discuss Panzer Dragoon topics in real time. For those who don’t know, IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat, a fast and popular...
Restructured Forums and Other Additions
By Solo Wing |
The current forums have been restructured. There are now three forums, the Seeker’s Stronghold, the Liberal District, and the Holy District. Hopefully this change will benefit the Panzer Dragoon community. I’ve made a thread explaining the...
A Poem, a Faction Summary, and a Piece of Fan Art
By Solo Wing |
In the Fan Art section you’ll find an anime picture of Orta. It’s a nice change from the usual more serious looking CG version of the character. The image was created by Butleri. Also the Poems section has been updated with “Wings of a Dragon”, a...
New "World" Section and Panzer Dragoon Saga Screenshots
By Solo Wing |
There’s just a couple of updates to the site tonight, but they are fairly large. First up is a new section that I have been meaning to add for quite some time. The World section features all of the text from the world part of Panzer Dragoon Orta’s...
Yet Another Theory!
By Geoffrey |
The Divine Visitor is said to be the player. The halls of official sources echo with the words, “Must I spell it out for you? It is the player!”, but I shall nevertheless pursue a topic that is still very much open to question like a hound dog...
The Flow of Panzer Content Never Stops
By Geoffrey |
First and foremost, Neil has written the ninth chapter of his ever-revelatory fan faction, Panzer Dragoon X. The story is shaping up into something quite special. I’ve also put together two pieces of illustrated literature that I hope our...
The Will of the Ancients Forums Are Online
By Solo Wing |
The new forums, titled “The Tower of Uru” and “Uru Underground Ruins” are ready for posting on. All the guff you need to know is basically in the first thread on the Tower of Uru forum, but if there are any questions or problems please leave a...
New Forums Soon
By Solo Wing |
Right. So if you’re an active member of the Panzer Dragoon community you’re probably come here to find where on earth the new forums are. For those of you who visit this site but weren’t a member of the Die Welt von Panzer Dragoon forums, let me...
New URL: http://www.panzerdragoon.net
By Solo Wing |
The Will of the Ancients now has its own domain, panzerdragoon.net. It’s fitting for a site that is made up of content from so many Panzer Dragoon fans. I would advise people to update their bookmarks although with an address this short it should...
Mega Website Update
By Solo Wing |
Well the holidays have finally come for me which means that I have more time to work on improving this website :) The amount of stuff I’ve been meaning to add in the last few weeks has mounted up so this update will feature a total of nine...
Two Sections Updated
By Solo Wing |
Firstly, the Poems section has been extended with a new Poem about Iva, the main character of the Imperial side quest in Panzer Dragoon Orta. It was written by Neil and can be read by clicking here. It Contains Orta Spoilers. Also, Geoffrey has...
New Section and Moderator
By Solo Wing |
The new section is a Poems section. So far there are two poems, one about the 8th Emperor and also a poem describing the desolate world created by the horrors from the Ancient Age. Submissions are welcome, as the Panzer Dragoon world is just...
Factions and Fan Art Sections Updated
By Solo Wing |
First up I have written a summary describing Edge, the dragon rider of Panzer Dragoon Saga. You can read it by clicking here. It Contains Orta Spoilers. If anyone is interested in making a contribution to the Factions section please send me an...
Additions to the Factions and Theories Sections
By Solo Wing |
The Factions section was only launched a few days ago and already I have had a submission for it. Neil has written a Dragonmare summary, which describes these foul beasts that roam the lands in Panzer Dragoon Orta. It Contains Orta Spoilers. ...
The Will of the Ancients Version 2 and Factions Section
By Solo Wing |
Over the last few months I have been working on a new design for this website - here it is at last. It’s slower to load, but I think it is much easier on the eyes. Let me know what you think of it and if you spot any incorrect information, broken...
Play Panzer Dragoon Saga in 1600x1200 on Your PC!
By Solo Wing |
This is no joke :) GiriGiri Saturn, the first completed Saturn emulator, can now be downloaded by clicking here [link removed]. So far the results are amazing, although you will need a beast to run it. I tried it on a 500Mhz Pentium III and...
Panzer Dragoon X Chapter 6
By Solo Wing |
Neil has sent me Chapter 6 of Panzer Dragoon X. The story seems to be drawing near to its conclusion, although if the story differs from the expected path I may wrong. You can read Panzer Dragoon X as well as other stories in the Fan Fiction...
Panzer Dragoon Orta Review Complete
By Solo Wing |
As I said in the last update, I had a half finished Orta review that I started just after I completed the game back in January. That review is now complete and is quite long for something I would write, but I found that it needed to be because of...
One New Review and Two New Pieces of Fan Art
By Solo Wing |
Neil has written the first review of Panzer Dragoon Orta for this site. I should really get around to finishing my half finished one sitting here. But, alas, my time management skills are not as keen as they should be. I have added two pieces...
The Fourth Chapter of A Drone's Dream
By Solo Wing |
The fourth chapter of A Drone’s Dream has been added to The Will of the Ancients. I won’t spoil anything major, but it shows more of our friendly neighbourhood drone, F2 666. Geoffrey has modified the previous three chapters slightly as well. You...
Server Problems
By Solo Wing |
As some of you have noticed, The Will of the Ancients was offline for several days (since about the 11th) but now everything has been fixed and there should be no problems viewing the site. The reason The Will of the Ancients reverted back to...
Panzer Dragoon X Chapters 4 & 5, Theory, and Comic
By Solo Wing |
Like the title says, Chapters 4 and 5 of Neil’s fanfic are now ready to be read. The point of the story is finally beginning to be explained and we learn more of the character Azrael. As usual, stories can be found in the Fan Fiction section and...
Hidden Panzer Dragoon Saga Book Discovered!
By Solo Wing |
Another book has been found in Panzer Dragoon Saga… and I thought that I had read them all! The book, which goes by the name of the Drone Record, can only be found (as far as I know) by browsing through the MENUBK.BIN file on any of the four CDs...