Some people who have played Panzer Dragoon Orta have considered the miraculous appearance of Orta’s gun as a major plot hole in the story itself. However, I’ve always thought that there must be some explanation as to how it came into Orta’s possession. My Wedged Gun Theory, not only comes up with a possible solution to the gun problem, but also with a reasonable amount of evidence to back it up. Could this be true answer to the mystery of the gun? Only you can decide for yourself, but I think the evidence is quite compelling.
In other news, there’s a new Panzer Dragoon site on the Internet (hosted here at panzerdragoon.net). D-Unit has created a site about Panzer Dragoon Orta that is geared towards fans who haven’t played the Saturn trilogy. The site, Panzer Dragoon Legacy, is impressive, with summaries of locations and characters from Panzer Dragoon Orta, a FAQ section, as well as a section dealing with the history of the Panzer Dragoon world (very useful if you’ve only played Orta). If you’re a Panzer Dragoon fan it’s worth checking out The Will of the Ancients’ other hosted sites such as Sky Rider: The Imperial Archives, as they contain a lot of information that can’t be found here.