Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record Releases Updated Logo Along With Models
By Solo Wing |
On the 25th anniversary of Panzer Dragoon II Zwei, the official Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record Twitter has released a couple of new pictures, demonstrating an updated logo for the game and models of the Blue Dragon/Guardian Dragon/Shelcoof.
Panzer Dragoon Legacy Has a New Site Banner
By Solo Wing |
We've added a new art banner to the website, representing the original Panzer Dragoon game and upcoming Panzer Dragoon: Remake. Thanks to Murozmuromuro for letting us use the image.
New Panzer Dragoon: Remake Video Shows the In-Game Dragon Model
By Draikin |
The Panzer Dragoon: Remake team have uploaded a new video on their Twitter and YouTube channel showing the remake’s in-game dragon model. Compared to the one we’ve seen in earlier videos, this version appears to be missing the holes in the...
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Teams Asks for Your Opinion on the Game's Dragon Model
By Draikin |
The Panzer Dragoon: Remake team has been using polls to gather feedback from fans, and the latest one asks if the model of the Dragon in Panzer Dragoon: Remake is truthful to the original. We haven’t really seen a lot of closeups (these will...
The Definitive Dragon
By Solo Wing |
As the first entry in a new Dragon Forms category of the encyclopaedia, I’ve created an entry for the iconic Blue Dragon. This is the form that the dragon is in throughout the original Panzer Dragoon, but the form is also playable in every other...