Well, E3 has come and gone with no signs of a new Panzer Dragoon game. However, there are plenty of great looking titles coming out later this year to look forward to including Sega’s own Phantasy Star Universe and Nintendo’s turn based strategy game, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Both are sequels to long running, classic series’, so I don’t think RPG fans need feel too starved of games in the genre without the words Final Fantasy in the title, this year.
For this update Jeremy Prusak has submitted a theory that discussed some of the possibilities surrounding Azel’s Awakening. Also KBlack, a new member of our forums, has also posted some more ideas about the origin of Orta’s gun which I’ve edited slightly and compiled into a theory called the Dragon Factory Theory. Did Lagi himself create the gun?
Lastly, I have added four more downloads to the site. The first three are official videos from Panzer Dragoon Saga and Panzer Dragoon Orta (check the Videos section) and also a demo of the PC version of the original Panzer game. I hope they are of some use to someone.