There are three new things for this update. Firstly, The Sharp Edge has submitted the final three chapters of his fanfic, Panzer Dragoon: War of Dawn. It’s great to finally have a finished multi-chapter story in the Fan Fiction section. Well done for being the first to finish, Sharpie :)
Also, Lance Way has compiled together his ideas to form a Different Dragons Theory. The theory discusses the possibility of the Heresy Dragon occupying different bodies in each of the three Saturn Panzer games. While I personally still believe that it was Lagi in all four Panzer Dragoon games, the theory is detailed and lengthy, being backed up along with the way with convincing evidence. Definitely worth a read.
Last but not least, Rune Lai has submitted a Panzer Dragoon music video to this site. It’s called Panzer Dragoon Saga - For Edge and Azel, featuring clips from the game and the song “Name” by the Goo Goo Dolls. I won’t spoil anything else, so if you’re interested it can be downloaded by clicking here.
Video Details for "Panzer Dragoon Saga: For Edge and Azel"
The video is in .wma format, so you’ll need a Media Player capable of running that format to play it. Winamp 5 should do the trick. It’s also compressed so WinRAR or a similar utility is required to view the video too.