The official GDC YouTube channel has uploaded the entire Panzer Dragoon Classic Game Postmortem talk, where Yukio Futatsugi and Kentaro Yoshida looked back on the development of the original Panzer Dragoon trilogy. While the most important points were already pointed out in our previous article, there’s plenty of other details in the full video that will no doubt be of interest to the fans. Among them is a question from a fan about the upcoming Panzer Dragoon remakes, to which Yukio Futatsugi replied that they weren’t given word of the remakes and aren’t involved with them, so all they can wish for is that they turn out well. You can view the full video below!
On a side note, it’s perhaps a bit unfortunate that GDC decided to use a Panzer Dragoon Orta image for the video’s thumbnail, as it’s the one mainline Panzer Dragoon game Yukio Futatsugi didn’t work on (and also wasn’t part of the presentation).