This year is shaping up to be a great year for fans of 3D rail shooters. Other than Project Draco, the dragon combat game from Grounding Inc (which may or may not be a rail shooter), we also have Child of Eden (the follow up to Rez) and Yars Revenge to look forward to. Both are rail shooters that mirror the gameplay of Panzer Dragoon in many ways.
For this update, Geoffrey has written two new articles. The first discusses the music of the Panzer Dragoon series, and how it has evolved since the original’s orchestral score. He has also written a summary of the Panzer Dragoon OVA, discussing how it compares to the game series.
This update also includes something a little different. I have set up a new Philosophy section, which aims to explore the philosophical themes that have been incorporated into the Panzer storyline. So far there is just one article, a summary of the Mind Body Problem and how it relates to the concept of the Heresy Dragon. I have plans for at least two more articles for this section, and would be very interested in hearing your suggestions for further writing as well.