Matt has submitted a new music video called Dangerous Friendships, which features footage from Panzer Dragoon Saga with music from the pop song “See it in a Boy’s Eyes” by Jamelia. The video is about the relationship between Edge and Azel and should run in a media player such DivX. The video appears stretched in certain versions of DivX, so if you encounter this problem it can be remedied by simply making the movie full screen (Alt+Enter).
Video Details for "Dangerous Friendships"
Speaking of music videos, it’s worth mentioning that Sega Xtreme now host three Panzer Dragoon music videos. Recently they added a Panzer Dragoon Orta video called “Always Alone” which I think is definitely worth checking out if you’re a fan of the game. It’s located in the Movies, Sega Game Music Videos subsection under “Xbox Music Videos” if you’re interested.
Geoff has also added some extra images to his Sky Rider summary and updated/altered the text a little.