Coolia Inconsistency Theory
Coolias seem to come in many shapes and sizes as evidenced in this theory. The question is, are we seeing evolution at work with different coolias adapting to different environments, or a lack of consistent modelling?
Could Iva Be the Next Dragon Rider?
Orta's ending suggests that she will return for the next game as the main dragon rider, but is her return really set in stone? Perhaps a less known character will take her place instead.
Created in the Ancients' Image?
What did the Ancients really look like? We may never know the true answer, but this theory discusses one of the possibilities, based on ruins found in the Panzer Dragoon Saga.
Did the Ancient Rebels Create Dragons?
Did the Ancient rebels built bio-weapons, Azel among them, to defeat other Ancients? And was Azel stolen from the rebels instead of by them as is usually believed.
How Was Azel Awoken?
How exactly was Azel awoken from her ten thousand year sleep? It's difficult to come to any solid conclusion, but here are several possible answers to the mystery.
Interpreting the Book of Genesis
An interpretation of the books of Zoah, speculating that even humans could have been the creations of those who called themselves gods.
Orta's Father Theory
The common belief is that Orta's father was Edge, the main character from Panzer Dragoon Saga. But do we really know this for sure? Azel may have used Craymen's DNA instead, as suggested in this theory.
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei Winged Death Guide
A guide to getting 100% shot down ratio in Panzer Dragoon Zwei and the ultimate rank of Winged Death. The guide also shows maps of all the stages that show where all the enemies are placed.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake, Reviewed by Legaiaflame
A review of Panzer Dragoon: Remake (PC version) by Legaiaflame.
The Writing of Panzer Dragoon
This article looks at similarities and differences between the various symbols that form the Panzer Dragoon language, and speculates on where the people who speak this language may have inherited it.
Transforming Solid Objects Into Pure Energy
Could the Ancients convert matter into energy and back again? More to the point, could the dragon? Decide for yourself.
Was the Garil Desert Once a Lake?
The Garil Desert is home to a number of ruins resembling the stone archways found in the first episode of Panzer Dragoon, and is the grave of an ancient airship. Is there a connection?
What Happened to the Natural Creatures?
Humans barely survived the downfall of the Ancient Age, but what happened to the natural animals of the Panzer world? Did they go the way of the dinosaur or were there more sinister reasons surrounding their extinction?
What Is Gash's True Identity?
What is it exactly that Edge sees beneath Gash's mask? Was it a hideous scar left behind from some battle with the monsters of the Ancient Age, or could Gash himself be bioengineered?