The Nintendo Switch version of Panzer Dragoon: Remake has received an update today, adding in some changes that have not yet been added to other versions of the game.
Today the Nintendo Switch version of Panzer Dragoon: Remake received an update. Monika Ginter has shared these patch notes on Forever Entertainment’s Discord:
- Removed “Skip” button from the game outro
- In-game cutscenes improvements
- Ending credits updated
- Shield effect added to Boss on lvl 4
- Postprocess effects tweaks
- Name of the last boss changed to match Lore
- Performance improvements
- New loading screen
In Episode 4 during the boss battle, there is now an orange shield effect when you use the lock-on lasers on the boss, showing that it doesn’t do any damage (pictured). Another change is that in the cutscene before the final boss, there is now music added to the cutscene. The music had been missing from the cutscene since the game first came out, so it’s nice to see it finally added to the game. The final boss also now has the correct name, “Prototype Dragon”.