Have you ever wondered what Panzer Dragoon Saga was like before it was completed? What changes were made prior to its release, what bugs were fixed? Well now this question has partially been answered. I recently had the opportunity to play through disc 1 of a prototype version of Panzer Dragoon Saga dated September the 16th, 1997. The prototype was bought off an unnamed contact of DRX, the owner of video game prototype website Hidden Palace, along with a number of other prototypes (of Saga and Zwei). These prototypes will all be released later in the week on DRX’s website, so stay tuned for another update here when that happens.
This release would not have been possible without the generous donations of the online Panzer Dragoon community here at The Will of the Ancients, so thank you everyone who donated. As small as we are, it just goes to show how passionate people can be when it comes to this series. Sega, are you listening? :)
I’ve posted my impressions of the 16/9/1997 Azel prototype in the following forum topic (skip to the fourth page). Images of some of the differences are available in the Screenshots section.
For this update, Snowgirl Orta has also submitted a new piece of art, a sketch of the drone Azel which I’d added to the Fan Art section. Also, Sega have confirmed that The Zoah, mentioned in the previous update, is going to be the official name of the alien race in Sonic Chronicles.