If you like the fact that we host the web's largest Panzer Dragoon digital archive, please consider supporting our Patreon so that we can continue to run the website and forum.
Today we’re introducing a Patreon page for Panzer Dragoon Legacy. Patreon is a platform that allows users to support a project through regular payments.
The only reason Panzer Dragoon Legacy requires funding is to pay for its hosting and domain fees. Per month, we’re currently paying US$24.84. This is required to continue to host the website and forum on Digital Ocean.
Monthly costs:
- Website hosting: US$12
- Forum hosting: US$6
- Website backups: US$2.40
- Forum backups: US$1.20
Monthly total: US$24.84
Yearly costs:
- Hosting and backups: US$298.08
- Domain name: US$13.98
Yearly total: US$312.06
We appreciate any financial assistance that you can provide in keeping the website running. This is the Panzer Dragoon community digital archive, hosting over 10GB of Panzer Dragoon content. There are no other comparable sites on the Internet. With your help, we can continue to run Panzer Dragoon Legacy long into the future.