It doesn’t seem like this site has been updated so many times, but here we have it: the 100th update of The Will of the Ancients, which has been online for almost two years (although Azel Online, the previous incarnation of this site has been online since 2000). For this update, Lance Way and I have prepared a new Character profiles section. The Characters section is basically an extension of the Factions section as it consists of all the ‘dragon rider’ summaries from the Factions section, however there are also five new summaries dedicated to Azel, Craymen, Paet, Gash, and the Seventh Emperor. The Characters section can be expected to cover more individuals as time goes on.
Also in this update, The Sharp Edge and Nevey have contributed a new comic, that comes in three parts (see the Comics section to view each page). I must say that I found it rather amusing, as I’m sure other forum members probably will, especially considering the next thing for this update…
Lance Way has compiled the entire script from Panzer Dragoon Saga. All the dialogue and text from the game can be found in a simple RAR file, that can be downloaded from the Dialogue section. I’d hate to think how long it must have taken to tidy up all the ‘encoded’ text on the game discs, but I’m extremely grateful to Lance for this huge effort. Lundi has also tidied up the Panzer Dragoon Saga FMV script, which now includes the names of the characters who spoke each piece of dialogue.
Lastly, Lance has sent me improved copies of his Panzer Dragoon World Map and his Panzer Dragoon Saga Illustrated Map, which I’ve added to the Maps section. I have also written a poem about the Tower of Uru and added a link to a Sega fan site to the Other Websites page. I think that covers everything for this update.