Aruno of the retro gaming/tech YouTube channel Arunotaku TV has created a video showing us what the collector’s edition of the new Panzer Dragoon vinyl looks like up close and personal:
Video Details for "DATA008: Panzer Dragoon Unboxing"
The video contains a narration explaining each aspect of the vinyl in French, but we’ve worked together to include full English subtitles.
In addition to this, I’ve created an encyclopaedia entry here on Panzer Dragoon Legacy with the vinyl’s tracklist, related images, and other information.
This will be the last update for the year. I hope everyone has a good transition into the new year, and that 2017 brings better tidings. That said, 2016 has been good to Panzer Dragoon fans at least, with the release of Terra Magica in April, a live performance of Sona Mi Areru Ec Sancitu from the original artists in July, and of course this LP. The Panzer Dragoon series is far from forgotten.