Conversations with Gash

Official text extracted from Panzer Dragoon Saga.

{Gash asks for a ride across the desert}


Crossing the Garil Desert

{Skiad Ops Gash} Cross the desert underground… That’s what we do. All the monsters indigenous to the desert live on the surface.
{Edge} Underground? How?
{Skiad Ops Gash} There are many ways. Worm tunnels, subterranean waterways… We just have to search.

Crossing the Garil Desert

{Skiad Ops Gash} Anyway, we’d better find an underground passage.

About the Oasis

{Skiad Ops Gash} Most of the ruins that we’ve seen have a body of water nearby. Look for something like an oasis If we can find some way to drain the water… We can use the underground streams as passageways.

About the Oasis

{Skiad Ops Gash} If we flush the water out of an oasis, we can travel underground.

About the Worm Tunnels

{Skiad Ops Gash} The monsters in the deserts are very dangerous… Except for the worms. They won’t attack us, and they can open passageways to get underground.
{Edge} How do they do that?
{Skiad Ops Gash} They circle around the desert, and dig tunnels. We can use their tunnels to travel underground.

About the Worm Tunnels

{Skiad Ops Gash} They’re passages dug by the worms. They are all over the desert.

About the Underground Ruins

{Skiad Ops Gash} They are the remains of ancient ruins. We can use them to avoid the monsters.
{Edge} Ruins? Aren’t they dangerous?
{Skiad Ops Gash} Not at all. Only the entrances above the ground still have any life left in them.

About the Underground Ruins

{Skiad Ops Gash} If we can find an entrance to any of the empty caves, we should be able to get through this desert safely.

About Craymen

{Skiad Ops Gash} That man you’re after… Craymen. You said he commands the Black Fleet, right?
{Edge} What do you know about them!?
{Skiad Ops Gash} That fleet has plagued the seekers for a long time. We know they’ve been very interested in those ruins. If he’s the commander of that fleet, I hope you kill him slowly.

About Craymen

{Skiad Ops Gash} He’s the commander of the Empire’s special fleet that has slaughtered countless seekrs.

About the Empire

{Skiad Ops Gash} It is a nation built on fear. They’ve amassed an enormous fleet created with the ancient technologies. At first, they defended us from the monsters, but they soon turned their attention to world domination. Many nations have already fallen to the Empire.

About the Empire

{Skiad Ops Gash} Recently, there have been rumors of a rebellion within the Empire.

About the Dragon

{Skiad Ops Gash} In some regions, dragons are called the Messengers of the Gods. But the Empire fears them.
{Edge} Why?
{Skiad Ops Gash} Dragons have attacked the Empire before. It is believed that the Capital was leveled by a lone dragon long ago.

About the Dragon

{Skiad Ops Gash} Be careful who sees your dragon. If the Empire finds out, they will come after you.

About the Ancient Age

{Skiad Ops Gash} Ancient Age… In the bordering nations, they call it the Age of the Gods. I don’t know if I agree with them. Think about it for a second. The monsters and weapons of the Empire were all created by the ancient ones. Would any God bring such horrors to its people?

About the Ancient Age

{Skiad Ops Gash} It was a time when mortals controlled god-like powers.

About the Ruins

{Edge} I was only a guard on the excavation site, so I don’t know much about the ruins.
{Skiad Ops Gash} The Empire underestimates the danger of what they’re digging up. They could awaken a great evil that could destroy us all. What are you talking about? If the ruins reactivate, who knows what horrors will be unleashed upon us. Their power could obliterate a nation.

About the Ruins

{Skiad Ops Gash} Huge buildings… no, they’re actually ancient machines… Who knows why they were created? To us, they’re treasure troves.

About the Monsters

{Skiad Ops Gash} They’re all that’s left of the Ancient Age. They were scattered throughout the world. They may regroup in the forest, near the ruins.
{Edge} Why are they attacking humans?
{Skiad Ops Gash} Perhaps they were ancient weapons, or maybe our wars angered them.

About the Monsters

{Skiad Ops Gash} Those monsters are from the Ancient Age. For some reason, they now thirst for human blood.

About the Seekers

{Edge} Just who are the seekers?
{Skiad Ops Gash} Well, you can just call us thieves if you don’t mind offending us.
{Edge} I apologize for that incident when we first met. My captain told me you were thieves.
{Skiad Ops Gash} It’s all right, kid. We’re outcasts, I’ll admit that. They say the Gods will punish us for disturbing their sacred ruins. That is far from the truth, you know.
{Edge} What?
{Skiad Ops Gash} Almost everyone believes that the Ancient Age was the age of the Gods. If that were true, then our own Gods are more frightening than the Empire.

About the Seekers

{Skiad Ops Gash} Well, I don’t really care what the world thinks of us. We do what we must…

{Edge is rescued from the Empire by Gash}

About Craymen

{Edge} Craymen is looking for the Tower.
{Skiad Ops Gash} Tower?
{Edge} The commander of the Imperial forces told me that the Tower was responsible for the fall of the Ancient Age.
{Skiad Ops Gash} Craymen wants the most devastating weapon this world has ever seen. No wonder they’re so ruthless.

About Craymen

{Edge} The Tower houses unimaginable destructive power. I think that’s what Craymen wants.

About the Empire

{Edge} The Empire wants the dragon too. I wonder why?
{Skiad Ops Gash} To battle against the Black Fleet. They’ve started digging for another dragon too, you know.
{Edge} Yeah, I’ve fought against them once. That girl was riding the dragon.
{Skiad Ops Gash} You mean that girl you saw at the excavation site? I wonder who she is?

About the Empire

{Skiad Ops Gash} They must really want that Black Fleet destroyed.