Panzer Dragoon Orta Sub Scenario Episode 6: Vengeance

Official text extracted from Panzer Dragoon Orta.

Epeisodion Sexi: Dragon

Catch up to the Dragon of Destruction.


Opening Text

When I returned to the Seekers’ den, they threw a small welcome party in my honor.

Uncouth Man: You did it, boy! I thought you were just a snot-faced little punk, but it looks like I was wrong! Hey, sorry about yesterday. I hope you’re not sour about what I said. Oh, the name’s Noof! Welcome to our den!

Iva: Thanks…

Emid: Here, try some of this.

Iva: Th, thank you…

~ The fruit was soft and sweet…

Iva: It’s delicious.

Noof: Isn’t that Zarrl fruit? We rarely even get to eat that stuff! That’s not fair.

Emid: Be quiet!

Emid: If you keep complaining, you’ll be eating nothing but Pookio hide from tomorrow on, got it?

Noof: Oh, come on…

Iva: Hahahaha…

Emid: I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you laugh yet!

Noof: Hey! I’ll install this ancient engine into your pod. You should be able to fly much faster with this thing now.

Emid: We Seekers live a nomadic lifestyle, moving from place to place… Wherever we can squeeze out a living.

But in truth, we’re explorers, really. We search the land trying to find ways to make it inhabitable for people. It leads to a lot of danger and a lot of hardship, but it’s our duty.

Emid: Our primary den is located west of here, in Yelico Valley. Well, it used to be, that is…

~ !! That’s the Seeker den where my father was killed by the Dragon of Destruction…

Emid: But, the den was attacked by the Empire and everyone was… Oh… I’m sorry. You probably don’t want to hear about that…

Iva: Don’t worry about it.

Emid: I see… I suppose you’re one of us now.

Emid: The den was wiped out by a squadron of the Empire’s dragonmares.

Iva: Imperial… dragons? ~ Could it be… Father, what have you done…

Emid: Yeah, they’re new weapons developed by the scientists at the Imperial Academy. A whole group of them attacked. They destroyed the entire city within minutes…

~ Father was creating dragons?! I can’t believe my father… my very own father was responsible for bringing more of those “things” into this world…

Emid: Why is it that the only things left behind by the Ancient Age bring only death and destruction to our world?

Iva: I… I don’t know…

~ Was Father nothing but a murderer after all…?

Emid: Oh wait, I wanted to show you something. A weapon from the Ancient Age. It was passed down from generation to generation at our den in Yelico Valley.

When I was young, my father told me that they found it deep within the ruins there.

Emid: It looks sorta like this… And you activate it by hitting this part here really hard with a stick.

Iva: More weapons…

~ A drum…?

Emid: My father also told me that it’s supposedly a bomb… Powerful enough to level entire mountains. Of course, whoever uses it would probably be destroyed, along with everything else around him. It was sealed away, deep within Yelico Valley.

Iva: I see…

Iva: But, why are you telling me this?

Emid: Why not? You’re one of us now, right?

Iva: … ~ I’m lying to you. Don’t trust me… Don’t trust me…

Emid: And, I… I felt something… almost like it was destiny when I found you out there in the desert.

Iva: Huh? Destiny?

Emid: I don’t know why… But I sensed within you the power to change things.

Emid: Hm? What’s all the commotion about…? Oh, Noof!

Noof: The Dragon was spotted near the snowfields to the north of here!

~ The Dragon of Destruction!

Iva: What about the rider?!

Noof: Huh? I, uh, think so…

Emid: What’s wrong?

Iva: I must kill the Dragon of Destruction!!!

Emid: What?!

I ran. I ran like I had never run before. Straight to the pod. And before I knew it, I was flying.

During Gameplay

Dammit! Where did the dragon go?!

I’ll get you!!

This time, Noof added an ancient engine to my pod… I must get you, dragon!

But, if I get hit, I’ll probably slow down…

I have to catch up to them!!

{Then either:}

I’ve finally caught up to you! You’ll pay!


I lost them…



~ There was something in her eyes… Something almost familiar.

~ I froze. I couldn’t pull the trigger.

~ Perhaps she, too, feels alone?

Perhaps she understand the loneliness and desolation that I feel?

Failure Text

~ I was too slow… I’ve gotta be quicker than that.

If I get hit, it looks like my pod will slow down.

I have to shoot down that Vont-Morli and try to dodge all the balls it shoots at me…



{The following lines of dialogue exist in the game code for this episode, but they do not seem to be used in the finished game. It is likely that the large block of dialogue below was going to conclude this episode’s “failure text”:}



My life ended while chasing the shadow of the Dragon of Destruction. I saw it, fading into the distant snow… The beautiful, white snow…