Panzer Dragoon Orta Main Game Episode 8: Imperial City

Official text extracted from Panzer Dragoon Orta.


Cut-Scene (Episode 8 Event 1)

Grand admiral Sir! Th-the Cradle! It’s been activated?!

Excellent. The time has finally come to awaken the rest of the dragonmares!

Soon, with the power of the dragonmares, the world shall once again belong to man!

Captain! The Dragon-unit! It infiltrated the lower research facility!

Impossible… Impossible! Where did it come from?!

Is this… the Empire? They live off the technology of the Ancient Age?

Main Route: First Area

The Dragon-unit has infiltrated the factory! Moving in to intercept!

It’s going for the Cradle! Stop it at all costs!

Route A

The dragonmare embryos have all been destroyed!

Damn! All units, open fire! I want that thing dead!!!

Route B

The enemy is in laboratory! prepare for defensive action!

Main Route: Vermana Area

The enemy is making its way to the airship production area.

Mobilize assault carrier Vermana! I’ll handle this myself!


{If you destroyed the Assault Carrier Vermana:}

Ugh… Damn you…


Main Route: Final Area

The enemy has infiltrated the upper layers of the facility!

Cut-Scene (Episode 8 Event 2)

Now we have the power to make dragons! We no longer have any use for you Drones!

Boss: Imperial Defense Unit Bacharsuha (First Phase)

You won’t be able to dodge this!

Cut-Scene (Episode 8 Event 3)

Prepare for battle mode!

Preparations complete!

Preparations complete!

Now, beast, you shall learn of His Majesty’s true power!

Boss: Imperial Defense Unit Bacharsuha (Second Phase)

Damn you!!

Take this!

Fire the main cannon!

Cut-Scene (Episode 8 Event 4)

Aaaaaah! Long live the Emperor!!