Footage and trailers of games that were never really in development, usually created for fun by enthusiastic fans.
Panzer Dragoon Genos Screener
A trailer created for a pretend Orta sequel, Panzer Dragoon Genos. To create a believable scenario, the trailer is shot as a screener recorded on a handcam.
Panzer Dragoon Genos Teaser
The non-screener version of the Panzer Dragoon Genos trailer.
Panzer Dragoon Incubos Trailer
A teaser trailer of a pretend Panzer Dragoon Orta sequel for the Xbox called Panzer Dragoon Incubos.
Panzer Dragoon Vier Trailer
A trailer of a fake sequel to Panzer Dragoon Orta called Panzer Dragoon Vier. It contains 3D animation of a dragon and his rider.
Panzer Dragoon X - Fake Footage
Prior to Panzer Dragoon Orta's release, this fake footage was released on the Internet by an unknown source. A swarm of dragon-like creatures fly over a lake and the music 'Interception' plays.
Panzer Dragoon Xbox Hidden TGC Trailer
An early fake trailer for the (at the time) unnamed Panzer Dragoon game on the Xbox, released as an April Fools joke.