Solo Wing's News Entries

Panzer Dragoon Legacy Joins Patreon

Panzer Dragoon Legacy Joins Patreon

By Solo Wing |

If you like the fact that we host the web's largest Panzer Dragoon digital archive, please consider supporting our Patreon so that we can continue to run the website and forum.

Panzer Dragoon Legacy Joins Mastodon

Panzer Dragoon Legacy Joins Mastodon

By Solo Wing |

You can now follow us on Mastodon, the largest decentralised social network on the Internet, which we're committing to making a primary channel of Panzer Dragoon Legacy news and contributions going forward!

Introducing the Panzer Dragoon Steam Group

Introducing the Panzer Dragoon Steam Group

By Solo Wing |

Today we're announcing the Panzer Dragoon Steam group, a place to network with other PC gamers who are also fans of Panzer Dragoon, in collaboration with Panzer Dragoon Saga Oasis.